Showing posts with label Forex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forex. Show all posts


Forex Update

It seems that Euro currency is getting expensive now. I was trying to convert US dollars to Euros last Friday and it seems that the latter currency is getting higher. I also browsed awhile ago and found out the following forex updates.

$1.00 = 0.71667 Euros
1 Euro = $1.39535
1 Euro = 60.0977 Phil. Peso
$1.00 = 43.07 Phil. Peso

These are only the important forex update for my personal use. I am just tracking it from time to time.


FX Update

I just want to be clear that I am talking of Tamaraw FX here but FX that also means FOREX or Foreign Exchange. I believed all accountants know this term especially if you are working in a bank and you are assigned in the FX department. It's been a month now since I did not take a look on currency exchange especially from Euro to Philippine Pesos. Last night, I visited and found below FX updates;

1 Euro = $1.28085
$1.00 = 0.78074 Euro
1 Euro = PHP 57.8872
$1.00 = PHP 45.1850

I guess these are only the most important one that I need. Thanks to for the updates.


Forex Update

I am currently updating about Forex or foreign exchange. I just want to know from time to time the updates about money market. I guess I am not quite happy because Euro is very low again especially when converting it to Phil. Peso. Here are the forex update according to I just need three currencies this time. According to the conversion rate below, US dollar is getting stronger now compared to the past months. It also means that Euro is getting weaker compared to US dollar. Philippine Peso on the higher hand has a higher value this time when a Euro currency is being converted with it. I remember last November 2009 when 1 EUR had a value of almost P70 (Philippine Pesos) during my vacation in the Philippines.

US $1.00 = EUR 0.81296
US $1.00 = Phil. Peso P46.25

EUR1.00 = $1.22985
EUR1.00 = Phil. Peso P56.8763

I also checked the conversion rate in paypal. It seems that they offer lower conversion rate for example from Euro to Philippine Pesos.

Forex Update

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating Christ Resurrection.
I am sharing today about Forex update. It seems that Euro currency is weak this time. I will be sending some amount back home for some project but I just worry because Euro is not currently having a good exchange monetary value against Philippine Peso. It means that Phil. Peso is getting stronger then. US Dollar is also getting stronger against Euro. Here are the current exchange rate according to and Paypal. I am checking this from time to time for my personal information. conversion Paypal conversion
$1.00 = 0.7422 Eur 0.7239 Eur
$1.00 =PP 45.05 PP 43.78
1.00 Eur = $1.34729 $ 1.31
1.00 Eur = *PP 60.66 PP 58.93

*PP-Philippine peso


Forex UpdateThis weekend

Hello everyone! How was your Sunday? We had a great day today. We don't go somewhere because we were yesterday in one of Europe's biggest festival in, the Landshuter Hochzeit, also called the Landshut Wedding. That was a great celebration and will last until July 19, 2009. I guess you better visit my other sites for more updates.

How about some forex update today? I have been monitoring about currency exchange rate for some weeks now. It seems that Euro currency is not getting better. When you convert your dollars to Euros in paypal, this is the exchange rate just some minutes ago; $1.00 = 0.697564. I also visited and was looking for their exchange rate for now. 1 Euro is equal to 67.2005. I guess if Euro is not good, Philippine Pesos is worst. The ones who can take advantage are those who are sending money to the Philippines from Europe. If they change their Euro currency to Phils. Pesos, they got better value. I guess that's all for now! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!