Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts


End of The World

Is the world really ending? With all the natural calamities that are happenings in some parts of the world now, some people are saying that it is already the end of the world. It is more than two months now since I watched live over the television the earthquake in Fukushima, Japan last March 11, 2011. It looked like I was watching a film that time but it is true. I believed it is just a reminder that what we do to our Mother Nature always boomerangs to us. Let's start caring for our Mother Earth! It's not yet too late.

Here is another news I read about Doomsday online.

When Doomsday Isn't, Believers Struggle to Cope

If you're reading this, Harold Camping's predictions that the end of the world would start Saturday (May 21) failed to pan out.

That's good news for most of us, but Camping and his followers were looking forward to the end. After all, they believed that they were likely to be among the 200 million souls sent to live in paradise forever. So how do believers cope when their doomsday predictions fail?

It depends, said Lorenzo DiTommaso, a professor of religion at Concordia University in Montreal who studies the history of doomsday predictions.

"If you have a strong leader, the group survives," DiTommaso told LiveScience. "Sometimes the group falls apart. Most often, the answer given by the group is that the prophecy is true, but the interpretation was wrong."

Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer,
Sat May 21, 10:31 pm ET



Flowers in the Wilderness

"Flowers in the wilderness,
you are also beautiful.
You are also delightful.
I always love to see you.
For me, you are a true beauty of nature."

-Ruby Benz.

taken last summer 2010 as we had a walk in the wilderness.

Thorns or Roses

"Some folks see so many thorns,
They scarce to see one rose,
While others count two blossoms
For every thorn that grows."


the roses from our garden last summer 2010. can't wait to see them again this coming summer season.

Beautiful Winter

"I also love winter.
Where you see snow around.
Everything is just white and beautiful
That is such a real beauty of nature!"

-Ruby Benz

Our snowy garden. Taken last Dec. 4, 2010.


Cool Off Your Eyes with this Lovely Tulip

What a lovely beauty of nature! I took this image one rainy day in our garden. It was spring 2010 and I know for sure, the tulips will be coming back again next spring time!

Cool-off your eyes with the image below!

I love this color all the time! such a wonderful image of nature!



Colorful Trees in Autumn 2010

the winding road near our place. This is an image of the colorful and beautiful Autumn.


The Faces of Fall Season

I don't need to elaborate it because I know for sure that you already know the different faces of Autumn or Fall season. Here are some images taken in the neighborhood.
a chapel in Velburg, Germany. You can see the colorful tree on its side as a sign of Fall season.


Beautiful Sunset

Let your eyes relax with this beautiful sunset. I took this picture as I was standing in our terrace near the beach watching the sun setting in the west. I love it and I miss this scenery.
Wordless Wednesday
Feel free to visit WW site to join and to see more photos. Thanks to the Author of this wonderful meme. Happy Wordless Wednesday everyday!

Winter Go Away Come Again Another day!

I remembered the winter protest of Antenne Bayern, a radio program here in Germany. They have an employee who was walking for around 100 kilometers since last week to protest for the long winter and hoping for spring time to come soon. I am not sure now if the walking protest is finished. I am also bidding goodbye to winter because we had a warm temperature today. Thanks goodness!
Wordless Wednesday
Feel free to visit WW site to join and to see more photos. Thanks to the Author of this wonderful meme. Happy Wordless Wednesday everyday!

Winter is Almost Over

I love the weather today. There was sunshine and it is not so cold anymore. If I am mistaken the temperature outside was only around 10 degrees centigrade. I went walking to the church and to the bank to have some transactions. I hope that the weather will be getting friendly soon. Spring time is almost here! I got a picture below taken last week as we drove to Parsberg.
Wordless Wednesday
Feel free to visit WW site to join and to see more photos. Thanks to the Author of this wonderful meme. Happy Wordless Wednesday everyday!


WW: Chocolate Minted Hills in Bohol, Philippines

I guess you will be wondering about my title. Have you been to Bohol? Have you seen one of the most interesting tourist attraction in Bohol which are the Chocolate Hills. If not I am sharing an image below which I personally took during my second visit to Bohol last Feb. 1, 2010. I was there and I love it! More stories to come about Philippines and its sights in a couple of days!
Wordless Wednesday
Feel free to visit WW site to join and to see more photos. Thanks to the Author of this meme. Happy Wordless Wednesday everyday!


It's Winter Time

It seems that my world is very cold right now. I am sharing some snow to you to keep me a bit warm for a while. This was taken in German Autobahn or highway yesterday when HB picked me up in Munich International Airport.

Wordless Wednesday
Click the logo to join and see more photos. Thanks to the Author of this site for hosting these wonderful meme. Happy WW day!


Such a Nice View from Home

it is time to cool off you eyes through this amazing scenery. I love this place and I want to retire here when I get old. This is the terrace at the side of the house. We are planning to make this as our masters bedroom when finances are available. Hopefully by next year. For now, me and HB are already spending quite a big amount for our terrace expansion facing the sea. Enjoy the nice view and have a great day!


The Coconut

Have you seen a true coconut tree? I remember dear HB asking me how coconut trees look like. Here is a coconut tree with fruits. This is also a special entry for dear HB. It's a coco fruit in a coco tree! wink! Happy Sunday! I love Philippines!


WW: Will Be Home Soon

Good evening guys! I finally updated this blog after having buys days. I will be home soon! I can't wait to see my family and friends once again! Thanks to all friends who visit my blogs. I truly appreciate it guys! I wish to give you some updates when I am away! take care everyone! I am praying for a safe and sound trip back home starting tomorrow. God bless!

This is my home in the photo below!
Wordless Wednesday

Click the logos to join and see more photos. Thanks to the Authors of these sites for hosting these wonderful memes. Happy WW day!


Cooling Off your Eyes

Enough with all those entry full of words. It is time to cool off your eyes with this watery picture. I took this one as we went walking in our place last weekend. That was simpkly a wonderful weekend. I am wishing you all a lovely one in advance!

Click the logo to join and see the beauty of different waters around the world! Happy Watery Wednesday!


The Moldau River in Prague, Czech Republic

It's time to share watery photos! The one I have here was taken in Prague, Czech Republic. This is the famous Moldau River. You can see the date embedded in the photo as we had our trip there last 2008. Prague is one of the beautiful cities in Europe. Don't miss to visit it once you are traveling in Europe.

Click the logo to join and see the beauty of different waters around the world! Happy Watery Wednesday!

WW #1: Waterfalls in Kelheim

This blog is joining for the first time this beautiful meme Watery Wednesday. This blog decided to join to cool off your eyes with the amazing beauty of waters! This is another fun meme to share photos of waters. The one I have here was taken in a small waterfall in Kelheim last weekend. Click the photo to enlarge. Good evening and take care everyone!

Click the logo to join and see beauty of different waters around the world! Thanks to 2Sweetnsaxy for this very wonderful meme. I love it! Happy Watery Wednesday!

WW: Pink Rose

I'm sharing a rose for my Wordless Wednesday entry. This rose looks not so fresh because it is quite old already. I guess a rose is always a rose which means that it is always beautiful. Have a great evening to all!~ Thanks as usual for your visit here! I truly appreciate it guys. I will try to visit you soon!


Feel free to visit WW site to join and to see more photos. Happy Wordless Wednesday everyday!Digg!


Somebody Wants Cherries Out There

What did I do this afternoon? I harvested a lot of cherries from our garden. We borrowed the ladder of our neighbor to get the cherries on the very top of the tree. We found out that a lot are getting rotten already. I even give some to our neighbors. The cherry tree in our garden bears sweet fruit that I always eat everyday. One tree is just too much for two persons..Anybody want some fresh cherries out there? I got a photo for you! wink!
the red sweet cherries fresh from our garden.