Showing posts with label winter/snow time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter/snow time. Show all posts


One Beautiful Sunny Winter Day

We are currently having a beautiful sunny winter day! Even though the sun is shining outside brightly, the temperature is still below sub-zero but not really negative 10 degree Celsius like what we have last week. The snow are still not melting. It seems that the freezing cold Siberian High or Siberian Winter is slowly going away very soon. I heard over the radio news that the temperature will be milder this coming Tuesday. That is quite a good news. I hope that you are having a wonderful day today. Yes, I will later because I will be meeting some friends again and maybe new friends to be.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend but be safe!

one beautiful sunny winter day while we were walking in our little town. We l don't have snow last month of January 2012. I want to go walking today but already promised a friend to go with her for a little friends get together.


Time to Change Summer to Winter Tires

Winter is almost coming! The temperature is starting to get sub-zero especially during the night. This is the time that we need to change the tires of our cars from summer to winter tires. I am thankful that hubby already did it all. Some American friends are using the four-seasons tire but we usually don't. Most Germans don't use these kind of tires. As what I have heard winter tires are better than four-season ones. I guess it is also depends on what kind of winter you have. We usually get heavy snow in the Bavarian part of Germany. Besides, it also depends on how you are driving during winter time. Most people who have accidents are driving too fast and never calculate that when it is cold during the night especially when it rains , the road get frozen early in the morning.

Don't forget to change your tires now. Better early than sorry. Have a safe driving too!



Beautiful Winter

"I also love winter.
Where you see snow around.
Everything is just white and beautiful
That is such a real beauty of nature!"

-Ruby Benz

Our snowy garden. Taken last Dec. 4, 2010.


Winter Go Away Come Again Another day!

I remembered the winter protest of Antenne Bayern, a radio program here in Germany. They have an employee who was walking for around 100 kilometers since last week to protest for the long winter and hoping for spring time to come soon. I am not sure now if the walking protest is finished. I am also bidding goodbye to winter because we had a warm temperature today. Thanks goodness!
Wordless Wednesday
Feel free to visit WW site to join and to see more photos. Thanks to the Author of this wonderful meme. Happy Wordless Wednesday everyday!

Winter is Almost Over

I love the weather today. There was sunshine and it is not so cold anymore. If I am mistaken the temperature outside was only around 10 degrees centigrade. I went walking to the church and to the bank to have some transactions. I hope that the weather will be getting friendly soon. Spring time is almost here! I got a picture below taken last week as we drove to Parsberg.
Wordless Wednesday
Feel free to visit WW site to join and to see more photos. Thanks to the Author of this wonderful meme. Happy Wordless Wednesday everyday!



It's Winter Time

It seems that my world is very cold right now. I am sharing some snow to you to keep me a bit warm for a while. This was taken in German Autobahn or highway yesterday when HB picked me up in Munich International Airport.

Wordless Wednesday
Click the logo to join and see more photos. Thanks to the Author of this site for hosting these wonderful meme. Happy WW day!


Winter Season in Hohenfels

This photo was taken yesterday while I was cleaning our pathway. I really have to clean it because it was filled with snow..Imagine this weather especially if you came from warm Asia especially in the Southeast part of it. That tower is the remain of the castle called Schlossberg in Hohenfels!! I always go up there but not during winter time. I only went there one time during winter time. I guess in 2006 and that was the last one...want some snow guys??


Disappointing Crazy Weather in Germany!!

Easter is over so I thought the weather will be better again!! I already posted some happenings this morning in Simply The Best....I just get ready to go for grocery shopping. Cleaned my car and stopped at the bank to pick up some money. It was already snowing this morning but still decided to go because I just need to buy the battery charger and chargeable batteries in Aldi, a famous discount store here in Germany. They only have this items once or twice in a year in a very cheap price. I got one already but I sent it in my box to the Philippines last Saturday because I also sent my old HP camera.

Battery charger and chargeable batteries are also very expensive in the Philippines as I had a vacation there back in 2006. Aldi have sometimes items that are seasonal and it is really very cheap compared to other stores.. I also proven it to be durable...

As I drive around 3 kilometers away, I decided to turn around because the snow was really getting very hard.. It is 50 meters visibility.. It means I can't see the street any more because of too much snow falling down. well got some photos down for you to see the weather.

I was just very sad but maybe it is better to stay at home than having an accident!!! right guys???? I already got one last year.. also during snow time..well somebody hit the back of my car because of slippery snow in the street.. I hope there are still battery charger and rechargeable batteries in Aldi as I always need it in my cameras.

What just a crazy weather we have now!!! sunshine...snow...rain....snow...sunshine..snow..snow..sunshine..rain...snow!!!!! great!!! What else are you looking for!!!

my car before I drive..have to clean it first!!

the street where I stopped and took some fotos
you might wonder where is the picture here..
this is what i'm talking 50 meters visibility..
can't see the street anymore so I drove back home before I get accident

striked a pose in our garden after I shovelled our walking way!! great job!!

this is the weather..look at the street!!! do you want to drive here???