Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts


One Beautiful Sunny Winter Day

We are currently having a beautiful sunny winter day! Even though the sun is shining outside brightly, the temperature is still below sub-zero but not really negative 10 degree Celsius like what we have last week. The snow are still not melting. It seems that the freezing cold Siberian High or Siberian Winter is slowly going away very soon. I heard over the radio news that the temperature will be milder this coming Tuesday. That is quite a good news. I hope that you are having a wonderful day today. Yes, I will later because I will be meeting some friends again and maybe new friends to be.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend but be safe!

one beautiful sunny winter day while we were walking in our little town. We l don't have snow last month of January 2012. I want to go walking today but already promised a friend to go with her for a little friends get together.



Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

What a lovely sunny day we are having right now. I just heard over the radio while taking my lunch that the temperature outside is currently 27 degree Celsius. I am thinking its equivalent in Fahrenheit. If you want to do the math yourself, try this formula;

Yes, it might sound antiquated, but if you're feeling up to it, convert degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit (or vice versa) in your head or on paper using the following formulas: Fahrenheit to Celsius = (5/9)*(deg F-32); Celsius to Fahrenheit = (1.8*deg C)+32.

In short if you convert the temperature we are having right now, it is 80.6 degree Fahrenheit. Am I right folks?



Germany's Weather Update

It seems that we don't have a nice weather this weekend! Anyway, how's everyone doing out there!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend no matter what the weather is. As for me, it is still nice even thought the weather that we have this weekend is not so good. Yesterday was rainy, the reason why we did not push through sightseeing somewhere else. I thought today is a good one but the weather was also not friendly..We had sunshine in our place..then comes the rain as we went voting to the school to vote for Europa Parliament Election. We want to go walking this afternoon but we ended up going home because the rain started to pour down already. ..In short, the weather really don't know what he have to do and I guess this is also the weather in whole Germany..At least I still have a great day!@


Winter Season in Hohenfels

This photo was taken yesterday while I was cleaning our pathway. I really have to clean it because it was filled with snow..Imagine this weather especially if you came from warm Asia especially in the Southeast part of it. That tower is the remain of the castle called Schlossberg in Hohenfels!! I always go up there but not during winter time. I only went there one time during winter time. I guess in 2006 and that was the last one...want some snow guys??


Very active 2008 hurricane season forecast

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (UPI) -- U.S. hurricane experts William Gray and Philip Klotzbach say they expect a busy 2008 Atlantic hurricane season, with as many as 15 named storms.

The Colorado State University scientists in their April forecast said they also anticipate an above average probability of major hurricanes making landfall in the United States.

Gray and Klotzbach said they expect 2008 will have about eight hurricanes (the average is 5.9) and four intense hurricanes (average is 2.3).

They also predict:

-- A 69 percent probability of at least one major hurricane striking the U.S. coastline, with the average for the last century being 52 percent.

-- A 45 percent probability for the U.S. east coast, including the Florida peninsula. The last century's average was 31 percent.

-- A 44 percent probability for the U.S. Gulf Coast, from Florida's panhandle to Brownsville, Texas. The last century's average was 30 percent.

-- An above average major hurricane landfall risk in the Caribbean.

The two hurricane experts said current Atlantic basin conditions appear "quite favorable" for an active hurricane season, with surface temperature patterns being similar to those typically observed before very active seasons.

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30.

Copyright 2008 by United Press International

Disappointing Crazy Weather in Germany!!

Easter is over so I thought the weather will be better again!! I already posted some happenings this morning in Simply The Best....I just get ready to go for grocery shopping. Cleaned my car and stopped at the bank to pick up some money. It was already snowing this morning but still decided to go because I just need to buy the battery charger and chargeable batteries in Aldi, a famous discount store here in Germany. They only have this items once or twice in a year in a very cheap price. I got one already but I sent it in my box to the Philippines last Saturday because I also sent my old HP camera.

Battery charger and chargeable batteries are also very expensive in the Philippines as I had a vacation there back in 2006. Aldi have sometimes items that are seasonal and it is really very cheap compared to other stores.. I also proven it to be durable...

As I drive around 3 kilometers away, I decided to turn around because the snow was really getting very hard.. It is 50 meters visibility.. It means I can't see the street any more because of too much snow falling down. well got some photos down for you to see the weather.

I was just very sad but maybe it is better to stay at home than having an accident!!! right guys???? I already got one last year.. also during snow time..well somebody hit the back of my car because of slippery snow in the street.. I hope there are still battery charger and rechargeable batteries in Aldi as I always need it in my cameras.

What just a crazy weather we have now!!! sunshine...snow...rain....snow...sunshine..snow..snow..sunshine..rain...snow!!!!! great!!! What else are you looking for!!!

my car before I drive..have to clean it first!!

the street where I stopped and took some fotos
you might wonder where is the picture here..
this is what i'm talking 50 meters visibility..
can't see the street anymore so I drove back home before I get accident

striked a pose in our garden after I shovelled our walking way!! great job!!

this is the weather..look at the street!!! do you want to drive here???