
Today's Word "ephemeron"

ephemeron \ih-FEM-uh-ron\ (noun) plural ephemera \ih-FEM-uh-ruh\ - 1 : Something short-lived or of no lasting significance. 2 : ephemera: Items, especially printed matter (as posters, broadsides, pamphlets, etc.), intended to be of use or importance for only a short time but preserved by collectors.

"She had seen that the finger of Death was upon her bosom - that, like the ephemeron, she had been made perfect in loveliness only to die..." -- Edgar Allen Poe, 'The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings'

Ephemeron is from Greek, from ephemeros, "daily; lasting or living only a day," from epi, "upon" + hemera, "day."

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