Was there ice cream on the moon?
In a way -- Baskin-Robbins introduced the flavor "Lunar Cheesecake" to commemorate America's landing on the moon on July 20, 1969.
Is a diamond worth more than an emerald?
While diamonds are usually considered the most precious of stones, a large, near flawless emerald is worth considerably more than a diamond of the same size.
Which are the world's oldest trees?The Sequoias and Redwoods of the American West Coast are not the oldest living trees in the world. The honor belongs to the Macrozamia trees of Australia, which live 5,000 to 7,000 years and, some claim, may even reach 15,000 years.
Which is safer -- New York City or Arkansas?
Per capita, it is safer to live in New York City than it is to live in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
How long should tripe be cooked?
Ideally, tripe is cooked for 12 hours. As it is difficult to digest, tripe shouldn't be eaten by those who are dyspeptic or goutish.
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