There are just some words sometimes that we already heard but don't know the meaning..I do the same...and even would look up and say 'what is that'..I am also sharing to you a word below..and will also give my an example in a sentence..
Sentence sample:
She abominate his father because he molested her when she was young.
Today's Word "abominate"
abominate \uh-BOM-uh-nayt\ (transitive verb) - To hate in the highest degree; to detest intensely; to loathe; to abhor.
"I despise and abominate him, because he is a man without honor; he knows that I do not love him, and yet he insists upon marrying me." -- Louise Muhlbach, 'Old Fritz and the New Era'
Abominate comes from Latin abominari, "to deprecate as a bad omen, to hate, to detest," from ab- + omen, "an omen."
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