
No Internet Connection..A Catastrophe For Me

Hey guys, how was your Monday..For those in Europe it is evening now, for those in Asia it is dawn time and for those in the United States, have a great day still!!..anyway, I was a little upset this morning as I opened my PC..I thought my computer was bad or some program are not working. I can't connect to the internet when in fact, the Icon Connection says "Connected" and speed is 100. Mbps!! wazzzz up!! I was really upset!!...trying to figure out what was wrong still did not work...Imagine I lost two hours but did nothing. Perfect timing my husband came back from Parsberg...he got off today too after working for 12 hours and 5 days straight..pity!! (arun naa ibuhi nako..hehehe)...I told him that this is not normal because I still use the Pc until almost 1AM and it was ok....Also told him to call our internet provider!! Bingo!!..problem was solved..The telecom technician said that they are having some technical problems and currently fixing it. Also informed my hubby that internet will be backed at 16:00 or 4PM....

Oh well, I guess my PC is really bad but it's not!! As long as I know what the problem is, I am also happy!! Oh well, it's good for me because I did some household chores which where left during the days that I was so busy...busy for what?? monkey business?? escapades!! whatever!! secret!! That's why now I am back and here again updating a bit my blog!! feel free to visit my other sites for more updates and infos!! take care guys and see yah later!!

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