
Some Shopping

We went to Parsberg today because my husband have to go to the doctor for some medicines he needed. After that, we went to one of the grocery store who have special products every week. This week they sell some winter shoes. I guess I am too late because only two were left and it won't fit me. After my husband's doctor appointment, we proceeded to the the drug store and bought the medicine. A damage of almost 30 Euros. As we went to the other shop to buy some bath towel, I found some pens again. I told myself last time that I don't need to buy pens anymore. Oh well, it won't get bad even for some years anyway. besides I can also send it home for my niece and nephews who go to school. Some shopping again but not too much. You know why? because I promise myself to be thrifty this time and save some money for vacation back home. yes I will...If I say so, I will really try my best to get it!!

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