
End of Car Search

Hubby has been searching for a new car since last December 2010. The registration of his 18 years old VW or Volkswagen car will be ending next month. It is too old and when he will let it fix, it cost a lot of money. It cannot also pass the inspection because there are a lot of parts in the car that needs to be repaired. In fact, he is giving away this old Volkswagen. In Germany, when somebody will throw his old car, there are junk shops who will take it but you have to pay for the service. It probably cost more or less 200.00 Euros. He is trying to find junk shops nearby who will take the car for free.

Since last month, hubby has been searching for cars in the internet. We also did some car window shopping the past weeks. Good to know he found one in the internet last week. We drove near Munich last Thursday and as the Auto dealer agreed with our bargain, we picked it up immediately last Saturday. It cost some fortune but at least hubby is very happy. Hubby is very contented with his new toy. I told him that he just need to reward himself sometimes especially for all the hard work he had done in his life. Congrats to dear hubby for his new toy.


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