
FedEx Service notification 8613306, Scam in Internet

Beware if you received this kind of email below. It is about Fedex, a logistic company based in United States. I know for sure that this mail is not coming from Fedex but a spam one. We don't expect any mail or package from the U.S. last month and I concluded that this is again another scam mail in the internet.

I have a screen shot below and some messages that were written in the mail. I received this scam mail last Sunday. I also noticed that there are some grammatical and syntax errors in the message.


Sun, May 29, 2011 7:03:40 AM
FedEx Service notification 8613306

May 2011
Federal Express
tracking numbers
# 3032511

The parcel was sent your home adress.
And it will arrive within 5 buisness days.
More information and the parcel tracking number are attached in document below.

Thank you

Federal Express USA Ltd. and FedEx. All rights reserved!© 1995-2011 FedEx

a screen of the message which I received in my inbox.


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