
What happened to Yahoo!!

Before I went to my dentist appointment this morning, I checked quickly my mails in Yahoo. I was able to signed-in but when I want to view my mails, it is not going through!! Any idea what's wrong with this???

I tired it a lot of times but it always says "INTERNAL ERROR SERVICE CONNECTION TERMINATED" What does this mean????

Of course to find my answer again??I consulted my wed doctor, Dr. Google..see just a click of your mouse and you can always find answer in your question!!! remember what did I said in my header!! Just browse and you will find, anything that matters in this vast universe is at your hands!!! originally from Ruby Benz.....the WWW Addict!!!wheww!!

Dr. G directed me to yahoo website question and answer portion..IESCT would probably means that Yahoo is having problems with the server at this time and are working on getting it fixed. and yes, it was fixed..I just signed and and have it now!!

Thanks to Yahoo and Google for your services!! Your great!!

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